https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/ 海錦富有限公司
海錦富有限公司 81148 高雄市楠梓區藍田路1080巷6號
讓天然,無遠弗屆 海錦富 v.s 第 12 屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會 天然,是源於大自然的恩賜食物,是身體與自然連接的橋樑海錦富將每項產品經過嚴格的篩選及生產,拒絕添加有害或不良添加劑。因為我們深信:每一口不只是對品質的承諾、對大自然的致敬、更是對生活的熱愛。在資訊活絡的市場上,堅持落實立意良善的信念,著實不易。我們期許…藉由天然、好品質的食品,能讓人體會大自然饋贈的可貴;珍惜每個美好的味覺體驗,都是一份信任"。海錦富展位資訊:日期:4/26-28地點:澳門威尼斯人金光會展展館攤位號碼:B58海錦富誠摯邀請您一同體驗、開創味覺的新格局!真摯歡迎 銷售通路、買家 B2B洽接,澳門威尼斯人金光會展展館 B58展位見! Let Nature Food Be Boundless And Animpeded HAI JING FU vs. The 12th Macau International Travel (Industry) Expo Nature, as a gift from the earth.Food, as a bridge connecting the body with nature. HAI JING FU rigorously selects and produces each product, refusing to add harmful or undesirable additives. Because we firmly believe: every bite is not just a commitment to quality, a tribute to nature, but also a love for life. In this lively information-driven market, adhering to our benevolent beliefs is truly challenging. We hope that through natural, high-quality food, people can appreciate the precious gifts of nature and cherish that every wonderful taste experience is a form of trust. HAI JING FU Booth Information: Date: 4/26-28 Location: Venetian Macao Expo Hall Booth Number: B58 HAI JING FU sincerely invites you to experience and create a new taste experience together! We warmly welcome sales channels and buyers for B2B connections at booth B58. Looking forward to seeing you at the Venetian Macau Expo Hall ! https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_489032.html 2024 海錦富在第12屆澳門國際旅遊(產業)博覽會 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
海錦富有限公司 81148 高雄市楠梓區藍田路1080巷6號 https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_489032.html
海錦富有限公司 81148 高雄市楠梓區藍田路1080巷6號 https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_489032.html
https://schema.org/EventMovedOnline https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode
2024-04-22 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_489032.html
海錦富有限公司 81148 高雄市楠梓區藍田路1080巷6號
有海錦富的母親節: 新鮮美味,孝心送到府~ 愛要及時!讓孝心送到府~即日起至5/20止。 挪威淡漬鯖魚、鮮甜厚切鱈魚、無刺處理虱目魚黑糖桂圓、冰糖海燕窩沖泡糖磚等,優質鮮食及天然農產品,讓孝心美意,藉由安心、天然的優質商品傳達。 https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_488885.html 有海錦富的母親節 | 新鮮美味,孝心送到府~ 2024-04-22 2025-04-22
海錦富有限公司 81148 高雄市楠梓區藍田路1080巷6號 https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_488885.html
海錦富有限公司 81148 高雄市楠梓區藍田路1080巷6號 https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_488885.html
https://schema.org/EventMovedOnline https://schema.org/OfflineEventAttendanceMode
2024-04-22 http://schema.org/InStock TWD 0 https://www.hjf1898.com.tw/hot_488885.html